
Does Internet Marketing Have a Good ROI for Law Firms?

The advantages of SEO for law firms boils down to a few unique factors.

One of the major factors is how easy to track all of the information has become.  Nearly every facet of a website interaction can be tracked in some form.  A business has near immediate access to data that shows: how and where a visitor arrived, where they went, the amount of time that visitor spent on the site, and much, much more.

The Cost of Your Own Data vs. Market Research

This data allows businesses to gauge the relative success of various approaches, and arrive at a solution that works for them and their business organically.  If an initial strategy is not yielding a huge increase in page views or conversions, data can be used to try and assess why that is.  Was the page difficult to navigate?  Perhaps there was a particular bottleneck that can be weeded out with a thorough analysis.  If each user left the site at the same time, this information can illuminate the source of the problem.

Additionally, if particular content generated a huge increase in page views or conversions, this can very quickly indicate that similar content may yield similar (or even improved) results.

With classic “physical” marketing strategies, this information is much more difficult to obtain, and in some cases simply impossible to gather, so the strategies themselves become much more difficult to make intelligent decisions about.  You would either have to pay a marketing research firm to conduct the analysis for you or go into an initiative blind and lose out on the potential sales that you could have enjoyed if the initiative doesn’t work and you had had the opportunity to make changes.  This costs your business money over the long term, without the improvement that is inherent in an online medium.

The (Relatively) Low Cost of Internet Marketing

Another positive aspect of marketing on the internet is the relative low cost.  Physical marketing is expensive.  Printing involves the cost of papers and inks, delivery costs postage, placement in magazines or newspapers costs money, and it all takes time.  With online marketing, the costs are relatively cheap in comparison (often just time and outsourcing costs), and the results can be astounding.

When you consider the cost of mailing full color flyers over a broad area, buying an ad in a publication, or purchasing space on a billboard, the cost to benefit ratio of sophisticated internet marketing is extremely apparent.  This is because internet marketing is not “passive”.

Search engine optimization, when done properly, allows people searching for a service to find and inquire about your service.  There’s no way of knowing that the average newspaper reader will see your ad, if the ad will be relevant to them, and if it isn’t, why that is the case.  With internet marketing, you know your site’s exposure is due to relevant web searches, you know how many people saw your content, and you can assess why or why not they decided to contact you for you services.

Ultimately, internet marketing is constantly refining itself, and thus, ever increasing the potential for returns on investment in the months and years ahead.


The internet is a pervasive medium.  Nearly everyone is connected, many times in subconscious ways.  From smartphones in your pocket silently updating your Twitter feed, to sending and receiving email, updating Facebook or Pinterest, searching for recipes or reading a review on your iPad.  There are millions of micro-interactions that take place online every day. In the past, companies used print ads in magazines and newspapers or a billboard to maximize exposure.  But that often limited an ad’s effectiveness either geographically or demographically.  In March of this year, Pinterest recorded 2.3 billion page impressions to over 4 million unique visitors per day – and that’s on an international stage.  Think about that, if you were able to capture just a fraction, say.005% of those eyes with a viral post showcasing y our website or product, that’s 20,000 people (who are probably interested due to the fact that they clicked on your content).  And that’s one website.  There are thousands of popular social websites and hundreds of millions of English-speaking blogs.  Traditional media simply can’t compete for exposure on that type of level anymore.


Internet marketing happens quickly.  With a proper marketing strategy in place for your business, content can be posted instantaneously to the web, and results are nearly as fast.  You don’t have to wait for magazines to go to print and be delivered.  You publish and content appears.  Then, if visitors like what they see, they fill out a form, and a business relationship has bloomed – all in a matter of seconds.


Most aspects of onsite interactions are able to be tracked, rendering often expensive market research obsolete in many ways. Your marketing is your market research, and if something works, you can almost instantly decide on how to follow that lead toward an even better marketing campaign.  The process is dynamic.


Internet marketing is a fluid concept, and approaches to marketing are fluid in turn.  Because of this, your business can quickly adapt to a new trend in the market, an initiative that works, or a new channel of potential exposure.

Ultimately, an internet marketing campaign will extend your company’s reach, reinforce an online identity, and bring potential clients to your virtual and real doorstep.

Contact us

Contact us today.  Whether you are a local service provider looking to market your business or a law firm looking for SEO we can tell you how a well-oiled internet marketing campaign can add more exposure to your business and convert more leads into sales.  Regardless if you business is ‘brick and mortar’ or virtual, internet marketing can help you get more customers.

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